Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Way Of Hope

   This year I have been able to make so many donations of items to great organizations. Much of that has been in part to so many being willing to help and add items to my donations. One thing that I have gotten a lot of this year has been small travel or hotel toiletries along with people's other items. It seems everyone has some some of these lying around and wants to put them to good use, which couldn't make me happier. I've had a box that I've been slowly filling with these and today decided it was time to find them a home. I thought an organization called Way Of Hope would be a great place to take them. They are an emergency homeless shelter for women and children here in Murfreesboro. I looked up directions and headed out there with my box, but was never able to find the place. I followed the directions and GPS but ended up a someone's home instead, lol. So after that fail, I figured I would take the items to one of the other shelters in town and as I was driving through the town square, I saw one of the Way Of Hope's vans parked. I turned around and parked right next to them and waited for the driver to come out so I could give my donations to him. Someone finally did come back to the van and I explained that I had gotten lost trying to find their building but was so happy to see their van because I really wanted to donate these items to their shelter. He was very happy to accept them and I think thought that my situation was kinda funny. I guess it kinda is, but that's no matter to me. I'm just glad I was able to get some much needed items in the hands of people that need them the most.

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