2013 was an awesome year and I can't even begin to put in words all that this good deed journey has meant to me. I think I am most proud that I actually completed it. There were several days when I thought for sure that I wasn't going to be able to finish, but with the great support and help of so many I was able to make it though. I'm also really happy I documented it all so that my kids can go back and look at it as they get older. So as the year was coming to a close many people began asking me questions about 365 days and I thought I'd try and answer them here....
"What was your favorite act/deed this year?"
Well to be honest, I loved so many of them. I really liked anytime my kids joined in and helped out or gave me an idea for a good deed. Seeing them begin to understand the importance of doing for others was one of my main goals for 365 days and I'm happy to say it was accomplished. But if I had to pick just one act/ deed this year it would have to be.... one from August called Surprise Treats. That day I made up bags full of candy and snacks with a note telling the recipient that someone out there was thinking of them and then left them out on people's car windshields all over town. The reason that this one is my favorite is because later that day I got a message back from someone who got one of the bags telling me that she had been having a terrible week and kept asking for a sign from God that someone out there cared and then a few minutes later she found the bag of goodies on her car. This gave me chills and I was so happy that I reached that lady.
"What are you gonna do for 2014?"
I'm gonna try and even things out and and just be a jerk everyday of 2014... just kidding. While I don't plan on making sure I do a good deed everyday and document it, I plan on continuing the long term acts that I began last year. For example I plan to keep serving at Journey home on Tuesdays, keep helping out in my daughters classroom on Fridays, continue to write to my friend battling chemo and also my prisoner friend weekly, etc....
"Do you think you'll ever do this challenge again?"
Probably not.... While I enjoyed everyday of this journey and plan to keep spreading kindness every chance I get, I don't think I'll repeat this challenge. But take on another challenge... Perhaps...
This year I learned just how easy and simple it is do to be kind and do for others. You don't have to be rich and give lots of money, just some of your time. Like I've said before sometimes the smallest act can have the biggest impact in another's life. I hope those of you out there who followed along with me enjoyed the journey and got some great ideas for kindness acts of your own. Thank you again to everyone who contributed and helped me along the way. I am ever so grateful.
Happy new year to everyone out there and I hope 2014 is all that you can dream of. Peace and love and if nothing else, please remember to be kind to one another.
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