Sunday, June 30, 2013

Straighting Up

   Long long ago in a land far far away... I worked in retail. It wasn't a job I particularly cared for but it paid the bills so to speak. Anyway one of the things I really disliked was when customers picked up items and then later changed their minds about them and just put them down in whatever aisle they were in at the moment. It always made my job that much longer at the end of the day, having to put back all the random stuff around the store that was not where it belonged. There is always plenty to do when a store closed, so one more task didn't make me or any of my co-workers very happy. While out today, I spotted a couple of items that were clearly out of place, like this bowl of grapes with the coffee creamers pictured here and a few others. At first I was just going to keep going about my business but I remembered how I hated it and I figured since I kept seeing all kinds of things out of place it was a sign I was supposed to help out and return them to their rightful place.  So for my good deed/act of kindness I put back all the items I spotted out of place while shopping. Again, not a huge thing, but I made someone's evening a bit easier today.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Breaking And Entering

Okay... not really breaking and entering but my husband and I did go to a friend's old house to retrieve some things they left behind when they moved a few months ago, so they knew we'd be going into their house and shed since they asked us to. We'll be traveling soon to visit them in their new place in Savannah so my good deed/act of kindness today was going out and getting these items for them. The second part of today's good deed comes later when it take it down and deliver it to them. Our whole family is really looking forward to seeing and visiting with them soon, so it was our pleasure to pick up a few of their things to help them finish getting settled.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Souls 4 Souls

  Today for my act of kindness, my kids and I donated some of our shoes to the local non-profit organization Souls 4 Souls. In the last month I've been doing quite a bit of reading on them and love what they are doing. Basically they are a group that is doing what they can to fight global poverty through the collection of new and used shoes and then redistributing them here in the U.S. and overseas to the areas that need them most.  They do this through donations and shoe drives done by individuals and groups but they also have relationships with many retailers where they are able to get overstocks, returns and discontinued items. I also love them because they are based here locally in middle Tennessee. You can find out more about their mission and if you are interested, find out where you can donate by clicking HERE.
Originally when I heard about them, I was hoping to put together a shoe drive so a large donation could be made, and that still isn't out of the question for sometime this year. So if you are a reader and would be interested in helping with a shoe drive, let me know and hopefully we can put together a great donation for a great cause.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Light It Up!

Yesterday I got into a mood to clean and get rid of anything that is just taking up space. This included our back patio and out there I came across two bottles of tiki torch fuel. We haven't had our tiki torches for over a year now, so it was time to do something with that fuel. I put out a post on FB asking if anyone knew of the best way to dispose of it and while no one who replied had anything helpful to add, it did catch the eye of my cousin Dawn. She knew of someone who could actually use the leftover fuel, so for my good deed/act of kindness I delivered the tiki torch fuel to their home this morning so now they can light the torches up and party on down!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Flipping Over Free Cookies

   Recently I had a few dozen cookies given to me with the intent of me doing a good deed with them. They were extras that were donated from a grocery and I knew I could figure something out to do with them, I mean... who doesn't like to get free cookies?? So today when I took my kids to their weekly gymnastics class, I brought the cookies and gave them out to all the instructors and staff. They are so great and patient with all the kids, which isn't a small feat. The kids range from age 2 to 18 and are all over the place. The kids love going there and I know that a big part of that is because of the instructors. They were very surprised and happy to get them and dove into them right away. Always happy to deliver an unexpected surprise.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Glowing Recommendation

   Recently my photographer friend Gina relocated to Salt Lake City. Along with her two handsome boys, she moved her business and is trying to get it started back up in her new home town. Any of you out there who run your own business know how tough it can be to get things off the ground and running, so she asked for a little help from former clients to help get the word out about why we love her business. I was more than happy to help since I've been a more than satisfied customer for the last couple of years. She's taken awesome pictures of my kiddos and we've always looked forward to seeing all her fantastic sneak peeks. So for my good deed/act of kindness today, I went to her business page and left what I felt was a glowing recommendation. I know a few of you that read this blog are clients of Gina as well so if you haven't already, head over to her page a leave some positive feedback so that everyone in Salt Lake City will know just how great she is. And if you happen to read this and are in Salt Lake City or know someone who is, you can check out her website by clicking HERE.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Better World Books

  Today for my act of kindness/good deed I donated some of my used books to an organization called Better World Books. I had heard about them last week and after looking them up and doing a little reading on them, found they are a great business that contributes to the global spread of literacy. In short, they are a business where you can buy new and used books and reading materials with portions from each sale going to local literacy programs. They have also partnered with Books for Africa, Room to Read, Worldfund and the National Center for Family Literacy to help bring books to people for little to no cost. You can get the full story and more great information on them by clicking HERE. Something else I really liked about them was that they also are very environmentally conscious as well. Every book order that is shipped from them is carbon balanced with Green-e Climate certified offsets from a place called 3 Degrees, which is a green power and carbon balancing services firm.
   This is another win/win in my book, getting people books at a reduced cost and helping to promote an important cause like world wide literacy.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Boost Of Confidence

Today I went to a cousin's bridal shower and was surrounded by so many beautiful women. But you wouldn't think so to hear everyone talk about themselves... I, like many females struggle everyday with my self image and outward appearance. It doesn't matter when others give us compliments, we still seem to feel the worst about our own looks. What we see in the mirror isn't what everybody else sees. So this afternoon I went around to random places in town and placed these nice affirmations on the women's bathroom mirrors. The mirror seems to be the place where sit and obsess and get down on ourselves the most, so I thought it would be nice to get a random compliment there and maybe a boost of confidence.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Gettin' Muddy And Raising Money

   Today's good deeds were lots of fun but very tiring. Today I ran two races where the proceeds went to great causes. The first race was called the Doughboy Challenge and it was raising money for the local boys and girls club. I've done this race the last three years and it had kinda become a June tradition. It's an easy and fun course and I love helping support the boys and girls club since I spent some time there when I was a kid. And a little extra bonus was that I ran well enough to place in this one.
The second race that I did today was the Original MUD RUN and it was raising money and awareness for Special Olympics. This was one was TOUGH. Along with a 3 mile run, this one contained 20+ obstacles and of course several mud pits that you had to go through as well. But I sucked it up and was happy to support another awesome cause.

Here's an after shot of all the muddiness...
Another great day helping support great organizations!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Charity Voice

  Most afternoons during the week my kids will lay down for a bit and take a nap. I save this time for making phone calls, returning emails, running, cleaning and sometimes just vegging out on the internet. Today while surfing the internet I came across a site called Charity Voice. This is a site that you can join for free and fill out questionnaires and surveys and by doing so support different charities and non-profits. After filling out demographic information  they send you surveys that are relevent to you. Then for each one you complete you earn money for the charity you designate and for yourself as well.If you like, you can even transfer the money you make for yourself to the charity too. I signed up today and now while I'm just vegging out and killing time online I can help make a few dollars for a great cause. You can learn more about Charity Voice or sign up by clicking HERE.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

On Call Doc

  So today's good deed was another one that I wasn't expecting at all and after reading this, some may think this doesn't count as a good deed since it is part of my job. But as squeamish as I am about the blood of someone else, (yes, even my own kid), I say this totally counts today! Not long ago this afternoon, I began thinking about what I needed to do today and then I heard a loud scream from one the kid's bedrooms and lots of crying. My son comes running into the living room with his whole hand covered in blood and it splattered all over his legs and feet. I pick him up and rush him to the bathroom while blood pours all over me and the carpet. I shoved his hand that was bleeding into the sink and run water over it for several seconds while he reaches decibels that only dogs can hear. Each time I pull his hand out to get a better look at the injury, more blood squirts from his finger. While I try and get it under control and not pass out, my daughter explains that he broke the top of the porcelain tea pot they were playing with and that's what sliced his finger open. I finally am able to get his finger wrapped and hold pressure on it to hopefully get the bleeding to stop. I start to look around and see all the blood in the sink, on me, all over the floor and all over my son and I start getting light headed. So I slowly move me and my son down the the floor so I don't pass out while holding him. He begins to quiet down and stare at me, I put on a brave face to try and not scare him but I feel like I need to maybe lay down at this point. So we layed down on the bathroom floor together and I kissed his boo boo several times, (okay, not really his boo boo but all the tissue I was holding on it) and to have calmed down a bit. I quickly began feeling better and we moved back to the couch where I held his finger together  with pressure for the next half hour until my husband got home and was brave enough to open it back up and examine it. In the end he turned out okay and is nicely bandaged up. My carpet though... not sure yet, still haven't gone back and cleaned it up.
   So yes, I know that part of being a mom is caring for your kids when they get injured but this was no simple scrape that was gonna magically feel better after I kissed it. After nearly passing out and having to change clothes because of all the blood, I'm gonna call this one not only part of the job, but a good deed as well. I'm sure you moms out there will understand, lol.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Helping The Women's and Domestic Battery Shelter

Today while I was putting away clean dishes I got frustrated because it always seems like our cabinets are filled with sippy  cups and kid bowls that my kids never use. Well no more... I yanked out all the stuff my kids don't use and had a nice little collection when I was finished. I new I would donate them but the next question was where. Since I've started this challenge in Jan. I've donated to lots of organizations and I want to keep trying to give to as many different ones as I can. A friend suggested a local woman's shelter. I did a little investigating and found a local one that would take my items and was also in need of other things as well. I added some outgrown clothes and new toiletries to the things I had already gathered up and headed on over to give them our donations. The domestic violence and sexual assault program here in town is a great organization to donate to. They provide temporary housing, legal council, children's services and hospital accompaniment to those who have been victims of many different kinds of violence and assault. Many of them are women with children and have no other place to go. I'm glad my friend suggested this place because I learned about a great local program and hopefully helped some women in need as well.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Shelter From The Rain

  Today has been one of those nasty rainy days that are just kinda blah and all you really want to do is curl up on the couch. Basically you don't want to be outside if you don't have to. Well this morning I had to go out in the rain for an appointment and was thankful that it was just something quick and I didn't have to be out long. While I was driving I passed one of those guys whose job it is to stand out on corners and at intersections holding up signs for advertising and it was still raining. This poor guy didn't have an umbrella or coat or anything. So after passing him, I swung back around and drove up next to him and handed him my umbrella through the car window. He smiled so big when I handed it to him and thanked me about a million times. I'm very grateful that I'm not in a line of work that puts me out in the elements and today I was happy to help someone who was.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Last Mintue Scramble

  Okay, so I'm not gonna lie. I didn't complete my good deed/act of kindness until just a little bit ago this evening. This morning I was out of ideas but thought that while I was out running errands something would come across my path or something would spark an idea. But that didn't happen... nada, zilch, nothing! At least nothing that I recognized. I thought that was no big deal because it was still early in the day and something was bound to come up. But the day kept going on and still, no inspiration. By dinner time I was beginning to get nervous that my streak was about to come to an end. After we finished dinner I went out to run one more errand with fingers crossed that Id' be able to help somebody with ANYTHING! While I was standing in line to check out I began fumbling through my wallet and came across a few vouchers that I have been holding on to and it hit me that duh, why not give one of these to someone else or use it to purchase something for someone else. So I swung over to Jason's deli and to give some lucky person a free cookie and the place was empty... I was beginning to think today just wasn't meant to be, but I went up to the counter and asked the employee that since there was no one around to treat to a free cookie if I could just leave a free cookie of their choosing to the next person that came in. They happily obliged and I breathed a sigh of relief that the streak shall continue. It may not have been what I had in mind for today, but it's still a little something nice for someone.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bragging On My Guys

   Seeing how today is Father's day and all, I wanted to brag a bit on the guys in my life who also happen to be fathers...
First and foremost my own dad. This is him with my two kiddos. I love my dad so much and credit him for my weird, but quick wit. He taught me how to play softball and baseball and quite well I might add. I also got my love of all things history and geography from him. He taught me how to correctly mow the lawn and to be so anal about it that I sometimes get irked if my husband doesn't do it the "right" way. He's such a fun and loving guy and I can't imagine growing up with anyone better in my life. If all that wasn't enough he's a great "papa" to all 3 of his grandkids and they love visiting him and playing.

The next guy that I wanna brag on is my own husband, because both my kids and I think he's a SUPER dad. From the minute our first child was born he's been a hands on, right in the thick of it kinda dad. He loves playing, reading, snuggling, and teaching our kids anything and everything. He really makes parenting an equal partnership in our family and I am thankful everyday for that. Our kids adore him and can't ever seem to get enough. But he's not just great with our kids but with all kids. Partly because he loves kiddos so much and is very genuine with them, but also because he is just a big kid himself.

Next is my father-in-law. Another great guy that is just a big kid at heart. He loves all his grand kiddos just as much as he does his own grown up kids. Always willing to lend a hand and a kind word, the kids eat him up as well. He is also slowly but surely instilling a love for all things racing in my daughter.

The last guy I wanna mention is my brother, I'm not gonna post a photo because he hates having his picture taken and would probably punch if I did put one up. He's a great dad to my niece and sometimes they are so much alike it's scary, lol. But I also mention him because sometimes he's been like another dad to me. There are eight years between my brother and me, so growing up he baby sat me a lot and looked after me quite a bit. He's given me lots of advice over the years and taught me a lot, (some I'm sure my parents wish he hadn't) but that's another story.  I can always count on him and for that I'm grateful.

So happy father's day to all you dad's out there and be sure to let them know how great they are and what they mean to each of you!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Supporting Local Farmers

Today for my good deed/act of kindness I went to our farmers market and supported local farmers and businesses. Buying local food is great for a few reasons, one being the food is fresher and more nutritious because it doesn't have to have lots of preservatives and chemicals added to it to make it last longer than it should. Another reason is because it supports local farm families buy helping them get full price for their food and it boosts local economies as well. Thirdly buying local food is great because it helps conserve energy. It cuts down on petroleum use because food isn't having to be transported all over the country to major retailers. It also cuts down on packaging as well.
The picture here is just a few of the items we got today. They had so many great fruits and vegetables along with some yummy baked goods that my kiddos enjoyed. I did my part today, will you?

Friday, June 14, 2013

More Kindness With Quarters

   So far this year, I've been able to do a lot of acts of kindness with spare change I've had, mainly quarters. Today was another one of those days. I was thinking of my friend Erin this afternoon and remembered a story she told me about how she was trying to do a good deed at the store Aldi's. If you've ever been there before than you know you have to stick a quarter into a slot on the cart to unhook it from the other carts and then you get it back when you return it. This is a money saving effort on part of the store where they pass on the savings to you according to Aldi's. Anyway, she was trying to be nice and leave a quarter for the next person but they tried returning it to her. So today for my good deed I thought while I was out, I would give it another try. I grabbed some quarters and waited until there was no one in the cart corral and then snuck up there and placed quarters on random carts hoping that no one would see me and think I just forgot to get my quarter back and try to return it to me before I got back in the car. I was successful and hopefully finding some unexpected change will perk up someone's day.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Chemo Duck

   Today I came across a great organization while I was out with my kids. While we were at Walgreens, they were taking donations for an organization called Gabe's Chemo Duck program. They are a non-profit that is dedicated to helping children and their families that are living with childhood cancer and they are also locally based out of Nashville. Childhood cancer is a cause that I feel so strongly about and try and help or donate to any chance I get. Gabe's Chemo Duck program distributes stuffed ducks to kids with cancer as a comfort tool but they also come with lots of helpful information that explains to children and their families more about cancer and their chemo treatments. You can check out the website and learn more about this great organization by clicking HERE.
   So for my act of kindness/good deed I made a donation to them. I have been so very blessed to not have had to deal with the unthinkable that is my kids having cancer but should something like this ever happen to our family, I'm glad that there are groups like this out there.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just A Little Lunch

   My kids love spending time with their "Nana", my mom. She came over today to help me out for a bit and the kids were so happy to see her and play. Later on we all went out to run some errands and while we were out I decided it might be nice to treat her to lunch. So for my good deed today I bought my mom lunch and we chatted for a bit. I appreciate how great she is with the kids and wanted to show her. Sometimes an impromptu change or surprise for someone can make their day. I hope it made my mom's!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Serving Up Breakfast

   Today I got to check off another one of the acts of kindness/good deeds that's been on my list that I made when I started this journey and that is serving meals to the homeless and those in need. And the part that I am most excited about is that this will be a continual service that I get to do. I mentioned a place called The Journey Home a while back when I was distributing my care packs for the homeless, and while I was there became aware of a volunteer opportunity to help serve breakfast. So today was my first morning of getting to cook and serve breakfast there for several in the community. I really enjoyed it and plan to continue to do this on Tuesday mornings. I got to meet and talk to some really nice people who have been down on their luck and have had some really terrible hardships to deal with in their lives. But despite where they're at now and where they've come from they had a more positive attitude than a lot of people I know who have everything they could need and more. It was very eye opening and kind of a gut check as to how thankful and much more appreciative I can and should be for what I do have in my life currently.
   I really look forward to making this a regular part of my schedule and life and getting to know all kinds of new people from all kind of walks of life.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Thanks For The Support

   For my act of kindness/ good deed today, I am writing a letter to someone who helped me early on in my life and has shaped part of who I am am today. What inspired me to do this was a quote I can across earlier this morning while reading. "At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." -Albert Schweitzer.
   I thought this was a great act to perform because sadly, teachers don't get any where near the appreciation and gratitude that they deserve. So hopefully they will get a little insight to what they have done for me and in turn for my own kids. If someone has made a difference in your life, perhaps you should let them know...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Little Love For The Boyd Family

  My friend Rachel and her family have recently come back home after her youngest son underwent heart surgery. Things went well and he's recovering but he still has a long healing road ahead of him. As a mom myself, I can't imagine going through and dealing with all that she has but she's a strong lady and is handling it like a champ in my opinion. Along with helping Jake recover, she has her other two boys and husband to take care of as well. So in hopes of making things a bit easier for this sweet family several people have been making meals and delivering them, giving them one less thing to think about. Today was my turn and I was so glad to be able to help out. My daughter Kaylee even made Jake a sweet card, which is pictured here and sent it along with the meal. Rachel was so very appreciative and happy not to have to think about cooking. I hope they enjoy it and are able to focus on the more important things going on right now then the sometimes mundane day to day stuff.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Party Time

   Today for my good deed/act of kindness we're hosting a small birthday party for my husband's grandma. Today she is 82 years young. She has been such a blessing since we moved back to Tennessee by helping out with our kiddos from time to time. We had thought about taking her out for a meal but decided to invite family over to help us celebrate this great lady. This picture is of the yummy ice cream sandwich cookie cake we enjoyed in place of a traditional birthday cake. Ms. Mable is such a kind lady and I was more than happy to open our home to help celebrate.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Just A Little Shoplifting...

   Okay, so not actual shoplifting, but that's not what an employee at a local dollar store today thought... For my good deed/act of kindness today I went into a Dollar General and left a dollar bill with a note attached in a random spot.The note told the lucky finder to enjoy a snack on me and to pass on some kindness if they were so inspired. As I was leaving the store with my son, I was stopped at the door and then asked if I put something in my purse and when I told them no, they searched me and my purse. They of course found nothing since I took nothing, but it wasn't exactly a situation I wanted my son to be a part of or witness. Nonetheless, I was still able to leave a nice surprise for someone and hopefully they will have a better experience in the store than I did.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Few More Minutes

   Today I came across some change stuck in my car so I started searching around to see if there was anymore money and found a decent little amount. After collecting all that I had found I drove past some parking meters and thought that would be the perfect place to use my new found change. I'd been wanting to do this act for a while and today all the right elements fell into place for it to happen. Now I know, that it's not exactly legal to add more money to parking meters that you aren't parked at, but I decided this act of kindness was worth the risk. So I went and placed the change in some meters where cars were parked giving them a few extra minutes. Then as I was getting ready to leave, I noticed a women pull up and park at the one meter that I didn't put money in. So I pulled up next to her before she got out and told her that there were a few spots behind her that had some time on them and if she was only going to be a few minutes she wouldn't have to pay anything. She was very appreciative and happy because she was digging for change and coming up short it looked like. So she backed out and parked at one of the other meters. I'm glad she came by while I was still there so I could help her out and hopefully others were able to take advantage of a little free parking as well.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Trying To Be The Bigger Person

   After going several rounds of being treated poorly, talked down to and being ignored... today I decided to just let it go and try and be the bigger person for my good deed today. While this may not sound like much, I'm ignoring every instinct in my gut to go crazy and completely "flip the switch" so to speak, when it comes to dealing with a certain health care provider. I won't name the doctor or the practice as part of me trying to "be the bigger person", I feel like that would be doing exactly what I'm trying not to do right now. After many poor experiences with them over the past week, I received a nasty letter from them today to top it all off.  But instead of engaging with them any further I am going to take the high road and just let it be. I'm going to instead focus on the great service and comfort I have gotten from Dr. Taylor and his staff at Murfreesboro Medical Clinic. This may not be the biggest act of kindness I have done but right now it sure has been the hardest...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Diaper Duty

   For you mom readers out there, tell me if this situation sounds familiar... You are out in public at a store, restaurant, etc... and all the sudden it becomes undeniably obvious that your little one needs a diaper change, and quick! Then depending on where your at, you either head for the bathroom, back to the car or just duck down an empty aisle to change their diaper only to find you are out of diapers or forgot to bring them all together. Sadly this has happened to me more than once. While I was in a public bathroom today with a changing table I was reminded of these embarrassing moments and I know I'm not the only one out there who has been caught in this (pardon the pun) sticky situation. So before I went back out, I left a few diapering supplies on the changing table to help out another mom who may come up empty handed.

I also wanted to share an act of kindness that came my way today. While picking my daughter up from VBS today. I got to meet one of my good friend's mother. She was so sweet and told me that she was so glad that her daughter met me because my friendship has meant a lot to her. That just made my day and something I really needed to hear after feeling kinda crummy lately. Like I've said before... any act, no matter how big or small can change someone's day for the better.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Filler' Up

   Today has not been a regular day or what I expected today to be like in any way shape or form. Over the course of today's events, I had to temporarily switch cars with my mom while I went to an appointment. On my way back, I noticed she was very low on gas. So I figured for my act of kindness today I'd stop at the gas station and put some gas in her tank instead of switching cars back only for her to see she was about to run out. I really don't like pumping gas for some reason, I always seem to see it as a chore even though it really isn't that time consuming. But as much as I don't like pumping gas, I don't like the thought of my mom running out and getting stranded somewhere either.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Donation Drop Box

   So I've talked before about how it is easy to perform a good deed and donation drop boxes like this one pictured here is a good example of what I am talking about. I'm sure you seen them out in parking lots at many different kinds of businesses. All different kinds of organizations that are seeking donations have begun setting them out to make it easier for people to make a donation. They either use the items donated in the drop boxes to sell or recycle to collect funds, like in the one shown here or the items are used to give to those in need. The clothes that I donated today will be used to benefit an organization called MADD or Mother Against Drunk Driving. MADD is a non-profit that works to protect people from drunk drivers and underage drinking. They are also other ways you can help this organization either through monetary donations or volunteering you time to help at one of their events. You can find out more about them through their website by clicking HERE.
  Helping others through donating really is very simple these days, so if you have things you are needing to get rid of please check out organizations in need or even your grocery store parking lot for these convenient drop boxes.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Children's Miracle Network

   Today while my family and I were doing the grocery shopping, we had the opportunity to also donate to the Children's Miracle Network. This is an organization that raises funds for children's hospitals across the United States and Canada. These funds go for things like new hospital equipment, research and patient care. You can out more about this great organization on their website by clicking HERE.
  So when it came time to checkout we donated a few dollars by having it added to our bill. As an added bonus for donating, Publix gave us special coupons to use in their store. Another win win act of kindness if you ask me.