Friday, January 25, 2013

A Little Library Love

  When I decided what I would do for my good deed today, I had my friend Kendra in mind. She loves all things books and is an avid reader. She has even passed this love along to her adorable kiddos. With how far we've come with technology today fewer and fewer people still visit the library and instead read books and articles online or on a mobile device that they can directly download a book onto. But Kendra still takes her boys to the library to let them experience how fun it can be searching for that perfect book on any random topic that they could possibly dream of and the feel of an actual book in their hands. And I LOVE that she still does this. With all this in mind I figured maybe I could do something nice related to our local library and the people who still frequent it. So today I decided to pay some people's late book fines in hopes they could check out more books to enjoy. I talked with a nice guy named Dave at the circulation desk and he was thrilled to let me pay on others late fees. I asked him if he could put it towards people who were really in need  of some help paying because of unfortunate circumstances. He told me of some people who have late fees because they had been in the hospital and missed their due dates and I was more than happy to pay their fines. Hopefully this will be a little something extra to brighten their day when they come home from the hospital and have one less thing to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. I love our library!! Dave is a good guy. He is great at remembering names. If you watch you will be amazed at how many people he knows. I think he learned my name after the second time he checked me out. I love walking in and when he is there he always says, "Good morning, Mrs. Dyer, How are you today?"
    So in saying this I am not surprised that he knew some library patrons with needs.
