Monday, January 21, 2013

Have One On Me

   Today's good deed is one I've seen before and always wanted to do myself, so this morning I thought, "Why not today?" We've always got spare change lying around our house in tons of places like the nightstand, kitchen counter, in between car seats and in the washer after I forget to empty pants pockets and it could be put to good use instead of adding to clutter. So today I bagged it up and added a little note to each one and headed out to several random vending machines around town to leave it for strangers to enjoy a drink on me.
I hope something small like getting a free drink will brighten someone's day or perhaps turn it around if it wasn't going so well. Now, I know that not everyone that finds the money I left will use it to buy a drink from the machine and will just pocket the money instead. But I figure that finding some random money could also brighten someone's day and they might get something for themselves that they wouldn't have before.

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