Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Toy Giveaway

   As I've said many many many times before on this blog, my family and I have been very blessed in several areas of our lives. My kiddos have been blessed to receive many toys, enough that that they don't play with many of them anymore. So this morning we went into the playroom and I had a little chat with them. I explained as I have a few times before, that there are always kids out there that because of different circumstances and reasons have little to nothing when it comes to things to play with and enjoy. Then I asked them if they would be willing to share some of their toys with others. They were a little hesitant at first but eventually got in the spirit and were willing to give away several items. Then we packed them up and hit several places around town that were collecting items for kids like churches, day cares and donation centers. I thought they may change their minds when it came time to actually hand them over to real people, but they didn't bat an eye. They gladly shared their belongings. I'm so happy to see the kids understanding the concept of helping and doing for others, especially when it means personal sacrifice for them.

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