Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bragging On My Guys

   Seeing how today is Father's day and all, I wanted to brag a bit on the guys in my life who also happen to be fathers...
First and foremost my own dad. This is him with my two kiddos. I love my dad so much and credit him for my weird, but quick wit. He taught me how to play softball and baseball and quite well I might add. I also got my love of all things history and geography from him. He taught me how to correctly mow the lawn and to be so anal about it that I sometimes get irked if my husband doesn't do it the "right" way. He's such a fun and loving guy and I can't imagine growing up with anyone better in my life. If all that wasn't enough he's a great "papa" to all 3 of his grandkids and they love visiting him and playing.

The next guy that I wanna brag on is my own husband, because both my kids and I think he's a SUPER dad. From the minute our first child was born he's been a hands on, right in the thick of it kinda dad. He loves playing, reading, snuggling, and teaching our kids anything and everything. He really makes parenting an equal partnership in our family and I am thankful everyday for that. Our kids adore him and can't ever seem to get enough. But he's not just great with our kids but with all kids. Partly because he loves kiddos so much and is very genuine with them, but also because he is just a big kid himself.

Next is my father-in-law. Another great guy that is just a big kid at heart. He loves all his grand kiddos just as much as he does his own grown up kids. Always willing to lend a hand and a kind word, the kids eat him up as well. He is also slowly but surely instilling a love for all things racing in my daughter.

The last guy I wanna mention is my brother, I'm not gonna post a photo because he hates having his picture taken and would probably punch if I did put one up. He's a great dad to my niece and sometimes they are so much alike it's scary, lol. But I also mention him because sometimes he's been like another dad to me. There are eight years between my brother and me, so growing up he baby sat me a lot and looked after me quite a bit. He's given me lots of advice over the years and taught me a lot, (some I'm sure my parents wish he hadn't) but that's another story.  I can always count on him and for that I'm grateful.

So happy father's day to all you dad's out there and be sure to let them know how great they are and what they mean to each of you!

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