Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Diaper Duty

   For you mom readers out there, tell me if this situation sounds familiar... You are out in public at a store, restaurant, etc... and all the sudden it becomes undeniably obvious that your little one needs a diaper change, and quick! Then depending on where your at, you either head for the bathroom, back to the car or just duck down an empty aisle to change their diaper only to find you are out of diapers or forgot to bring them all together. Sadly this has happened to me more than once. While I was in a public bathroom today with a changing table I was reminded of these embarrassing moments and I know I'm not the only one out there who has been caught in this (pardon the pun) sticky situation. So before I went back out, I left a few diapering supplies on the changing table to help out another mom who may come up empty handed.

I also wanted to share an act of kindness that came my way today. While picking my daughter up from VBS today. I got to meet one of my good friend's mother. She was so sweet and told me that she was so glad that her daughter met me because my friendship has meant a lot to her. That just made my day and something I really needed to hear after feeling kinda crummy lately. Like I've said before... any act, no matter how big or small can change someone's day for the better.

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