Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Little Motherly Advice

   A lot of our vacation so far has been filled with all sorts of things that have kept us moving and on the go, but today I got a few minutes of downtime. Instead of resting, I hopped online to check some emails and Facebook and had found that I had been added to a new, small group for moms looking to help other moms by offering advice and sharing their own experiences. It was perfect timing since lately I've been encountering new situations with my own kids and was thinking about them this afternoon. I scrolled through for a while and read about some of the different moms on there and their kiddos and a few were asking for advice for different situations. So after reading for a while I decided that for my good deed I would offer up my 2 cents and take on things in hopes of alleviating some anxiety for some new moms. I tried to stress that every kid and situation is different so they just had to do what works best for them and not worry about what everyone else thinks. That has always been a tough hurdle for me to get over but I hope sharing my experience so far can help them avoid some unnecessary heart ache for them.

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