Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sharing Our Table

  Today the kids and I got to spend most of the day swimming, playing and enjoying a local park with my parents in their town of Lebanon. After swimming for a good while it was time for lunch. My parents had packed a picnic for all of us and headed to the car to get the cooler while I took the kids and started looking for tables for us to sit at. We spotted two perfect ones together in the shade and we headed on over. As we began to sit down another family started heading our way as well. I knew they were going to want one of the tables the kids and I were unpacking all of our stuff at so for my act of kindness I gladly shared our shady spot and told them to take how ever much room they needed. As I was telling them this, I never really looked up much from trying to wrangle the kids and get everyone dried off from the pool. Once I did sit down and look up I realized I knew them immediately. It was the family of my cousin Brian's wife Sara. I have talked about Sara on here before and how wonderful an inspiration she was and is to so many. Almost a year ago she passed away from cancer, but her brothers (one of which we sat with and had lunch today), and her parents keep Sara's kind heart and work going through the Sara Walker Foundation. It benefits My cousin Brian and their two sons, but it has also recently completed work helping to build and sponsor schools in Africa. Sara was the epitome of acts of kindness and good deeds and I think I was meant to run into her family today. Just another reason it is always great to be kind and do for others when you can.

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