Monday, July 22, 2013

Giving Back To The One Who Always Gives

My good friend Rachel from my high school days told me about about today's act of kindness. (Which also means more money in the jar for a cause, in case you guys out there forgot about it...) Anyway she sent me a link about a great cause. In a nutshell it is about Gloria Thomas from New York.  In the past two years her son was murdered and she was left to raise his two children, along with other children she already had. But she stepped up and took the challenge head on. She also works for a local food pantry giving help and compassion to several in her community. She had a reputation for helping anyone and everyone she could. But then more tragedy struck... Her home was burned in a fire and she and the children lost everything. That included her blood pressure medication which led to her suffering a mild heart attack because she went several days without it. Her coworkers have helped her secure a new place to live but she is still trying to secure many other things like a fridge and washer and dryer. You can read about her story by clicking HERE. By clicking the link you can also donate to help raise funds to help Gloria's family get back on their feet. I know there are thousands of families out there having hard times and sadly I wish I could help them all, but for my act of kindness today, I gave back to Gloria and her family.

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