Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chemo Angels

   A few weeks ago a friend told me about her father and how he was recently diagnosed with some pretty aggressive cancer. Since she told me this, I haven't been able to get it out of my head and find myself thinking about and praying for them often. I've also had several members of both my and my husband's family who have suffered with cancer, and many had to undergo chemo treatment. Sometimes chemo is the best chance patients have at survival, but the treatment can be so very brutal and awful for them. I've seen the effects first hand and it can be pretty painful for everyone involved. So while thinking about my friend and her dad, I came across and organization called Chemo Angels. This organization pairs up volunteers with patients undergoing chemo to help provide them with encouragement and support during a very difficult time in their lives. They do this through sending things like letters, cards, pictures, etc...  You can find out more about them or sign up by clicking HERE. I figured there is a reason I can't seem to get my friend and her family out of my head, so today I checked out the organization and signed up to volunteer. I look forward to getting paired up with someone in need of cheering up. I know I can't begin to fully understand what they are going through since I've never experienced myself but I'll do everything I can to offer words of encouragement, positive thoughts and be whatever else they need.

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