Monday, February 4, 2013

Mail Call

Today's idea was given to me by my fellow mom friend Sally who has been following the blog and my journey so far. While I was online earlier and thinking about what to do for today's act, a message from her popped up asking me if I had already completed today's task. Since I was sitting there at that very moment thinking about what to do today I considered it a sign that I should go along with her suggestion. Her idea was to leave a little something special in the mailbox for the mail carrier. I thought this was great and she herself had left something for her mail carrier today as well. Being the sweet tooth that I am, at any given moment you'll find an abundance of candy and sweets in our pantry and that is where I grabbed a treat for the mail carrier. I attached a little note thanking them for hard work they do each day and that I hope they enjoyed the candy. After tossing it in the mailbox I ran back inside quickly because I saw the mail truck coming down from the other end of the street. I stood at the door and watched through he little peephole like a child waits for Santa. When the truck reached our house, our mail lady grabbed the candy and I watched her read the note. She quickly grabbed a piece of scrap paper and wrote something down and stuck it in the box with our mail. After she left I went out to check the mailbox and she left a quick note of thanks along with the rest of our letters and bills. I really enjoyed today's act because our mail lady seemed genuinely surprised to get a little something special from a stranger. Thanks Sally for the fabulous idea! 

1 comment:

  1. HA HA! I also like a child found a hidden spot to watch the mailman! Instead of my usual mail guy, though, it was a female today. She still looked excited and happy for her bonus! I had a great time watching someone getting a fun suprise!

    Your Welcome!! Happy to Help!
