Monday, September 30, 2013
Funds For Public Radio
So I'll come right out and say it... I'm a nerd or geek or whatever word you choose to use when describing those that like to listen to news radio and programming on NPR. I really enjoy so many of the shows and will tune the radio in the car to it most anytime I get in to take the kids somewhere or run errands. I feel like it keeps me up to date on what's going on locally and globally and best of all there are NO commercials! Four times a year they have fundraising campaigns to keep the station going since they aren't getting revenue from advertisers. Every time they have one of these campaigns I always think, "well, there will be thousands of others that will contribute.", so I do nothing with the hopes that others will step up and support them so I can keep listening to the radio I like. This is such a poor attitude to have and I've let it go on for too long. Well while listening this morning, NPR began talking about the fall fundraiser going on and I decided to finally help out. So I hopped online and made a small donation to help the news and talk radio that I love. This year has been about helping out and doing for others because I have been so blessed. I'm just sad it took me this long to come around.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Friends Of The Animals At Nashville Zoo (FANZ)
Today our family headed out to the zoo to check out a new Kangaroo exhibit that we've all been wanting to see and it didn't disappoint. We also visited all our other favorite animals and decided to check out a show they had about local animals that we have right here in middle TN. The kids really enjoyed getting to see all the animals close up and we also learned about many different endangered species. The Zoo is very involved in animal conservation and helping different species to survive. To help fund the conservation and educate the public about the animals, they have created an organization called F.A.N.Z or Friends of Animals at Nashville Zoo. So for my good deed/act of kindness today I contributed so that they can help so many from becoming extinct. In return we got info about some great animals and the kids got neat pins to wear. Another fun and educational act of kindness.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Yard Sale Saturday
Today my father-in-law and I embarked on our yearly tradition of spending a Saturday morning hitting as many yard sales as we can in hopes of finding some great deals. We started pretty early and found not only lots of yard sales, but several community wide yard sales. We had a great time and in the end my kids ended up scoring pretty big and getting some great stuff.
One of the yard sales we came across was trying to raise money for an adoption they were doing. The family was in the process of adopting a baby from Haiti and all the money they made from this sale was going to fund the extremely high costs that come along with the process. They were very sweet and so excited about the new addition that was coming to their family. So I was more than happy to help by buying a few of their items and adding a few extra dollars to the cause. I have a few friends who have adopted and all have told me how it can be very expensive so I hope I was able to help even if it was only a little.
One of the yard sales we came across was trying to raise money for an adoption they were doing. The family was in the process of adopting a baby from Haiti and all the money they made from this sale was going to fund the extremely high costs that come along with the process. They were very sweet and so excited about the new addition that was coming to their family. So I was more than happy to help by buying a few of their items and adding a few extra dollars to the cause. I have a few friends who have adopted and all have told me how it can be very expensive so I hope I was able to help even if it was only a little.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Just Being Neighborly...
Somehow I manage to accumulate lots and lots of this and that. I get freebies in the mail from reviews that I sometimes write, items in swag bags from races that I do, etc... So at any moment I usually have things like vouchers for free items, new pencils and notepads, key chains and coffee tumblers on hand. I decided that I really don't need all this stuff, but it's not junk and I know others could get use out of it and enjoy it. So I packed up goody bags filled with all these items for a lucky few in my neighborhood and attached a note telling them to enjoy this random act of kindness from a fellow neighbor. My son and I randomly picked the lucky ones while we were out and stuck them in their mailboxes. I sure hope they enjoy them and that it's a great jump start to their weekend.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Soap Drive!
Today's act of kindness/good deed was inspired by my friend Jeannie. She brought to my attention an organization called Clean The World. Their main mission is to help stop hygiene related illnesses and in some cases deaths here in the U.S. and around the world. They do this by collecting recycled and new soap and shampoo products from groups and the hospitality industry and then distributing them to impoverished and homeless communities and countries.
Being able to have proper hygiene is a big factor in staying healthy and sadly so many don't have access to it. So to help out today I have begun a soap drive. I'll be collecting just your basic bars of soap for the next couple of weeks to box up and send to Clean The World so that they can get it to people in need. To those of you reading who would like to contribute please feel free to contact me through the blog, facebook, email or phone and I'd be ever so grateful. This a great and cheap way to help out so many, so pull out your spare change and buy a bar or two of soap to give to this drive if you feel so inclined. With simple acts of kindness like this we can help end needless diseases.
Being able to have proper hygiene is a big factor in staying healthy and sadly so many don't have access to it. So to help out today I have begun a soap drive. I'll be collecting just your basic bars of soap for the next couple of weeks to box up and send to Clean The World so that they can get it to people in need. To those of you reading who would like to contribute please feel free to contact me through the blog, facebook, email or phone and I'd be ever so grateful. This a great and cheap way to help out so many, so pull out your spare change and buy a bar or two of soap to give to this drive if you feel so inclined. With simple acts of kindness like this we can help end needless diseases.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
A Little Bit Of Grace
Those that really know me, know that one of my biggest pet peeves is people who have no consideration for others. Those who don't care about those around them and are so wrapped up in what's going on with themselves that they don't notice how they are affecting others. I think we've all come into contact with people like that from time to time and today was one of those times for me. As a matter of fact I came into contact with several of those people today. When this happens, after I feel I have given them ample time to realize what they are doing and correct it and they don't I get pretty frustrated. But today I chose to handle it differently. My husband and I have been doing a bible study about God's grace that he gives us unconditionally. I'm not going to get into religious lesson here but my point is that grace is something that is given to me over and over and over again on a daily basis and if I'm constantly given the benefit of the doubt, than why can't I give it to others... I don't know what these other people are going through and how the day has treated them. So when I waited in line for a while at the bakery today and another gentleman blatantly cut in front of me and everyone else waiting , instead of getting mad I just kept telling myself "I don't know what's going on with him and maybe he has some sort of emergency that he can't afford to wait in this line." Or when I was trying to pull out of a parking spot and another person pulled behind me and blocked me from leaving. I thought, " maybe they are waiting for another spot and they don't realize they almost caused and accident." Several other instances of this occurred today and each time I tried to give everyone of them benefit of the doubt because I (Gulp) am sure I am guilty of this sometimes too. At the end of the day getting upset doesn't do me or them any good but showing a little compassion does.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
REALLY Serving
Today is Tuesday and part of my routine on Tuesdays is preparing and serving breakfast at the Journey Home. This service has actually come about because of 365 days and I have really come to enjoy this and it's something I look forward to despite it's VERY early hours. What this usually entails is fixing items like eggs, biscuits, hashbrowns and pastries and then setting them up on a buffet for people to self serve. Also making sure there is enough coffee, juice and cereal to go around. Well recently The Journey Home has gotten a new food director and he is very much encouraging us all to get to know the clients better and actually "serve" them. By serve he means simple things like helping the disabled get their food, checking on everyone more frequently, and actually giving them some of our time by getting to know them and having conversations. While I have done this sometimes, I have been guilty of focusing solely on the meal instead of the people. So today I decided to change that... Instead of just putting items on the buffet, I actually went around table to table offering up items so they wouldn't have to get up and engaging more with people and learning their stories. They seemed to appreciate it more as well. Most have always been very appreciative and thankful but today you could just see it on their face. When I took a moment to ask how they were or what was going on with them they liked that someone was taking an interest.
I love the new direction the new food director is taking The Journey Home and I'm glad I get to be a part of it.
I love the new direction the new food director is taking The Journey Home and I'm glad I get to be a part of it.
Monday, September 23, 2013
More Donations
Those of you that have little kids and toddlers know how fast they go through clothes and outgrow toys. For us that means that periodically during the year we have to go through stuff and see what needs to go. Today was one of those times and we filled a bag with clothes that didn't fit and toys that weren't played with anymore. After bagging them all up my son and I dropped them off with a children's charity in hopes that they would get a second home and second life with someone in need. I always love it when we find a good fit for items we don't need anymore and today we did just that.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Kindness From Tragedy
Today on this laid back Sunday I was cruising the internet and reading local news articles and trying to get caught up. I came across an article out of Memphis about a group of friends who have been performing acts of kindness in memory of their friend who was killed during an attempted robbery. You can read it in it's entirety by clicking HERE. The group talks about about their friend David very fondly and how he always gave to and helped others. He became a nurse for the very reason of wanting to help others in need. As a tribute to him they've gone and performed several acts of kindness and left anonymous notes telling that they were in honor of their friend David. Word of these acts have been spreading fast and others are getting in on the action and doing their own acts of kindness. Another friend here in Nashville has started the David Santucci Foundation to raise money in his honor and to give to one of David's favorite charities. I was really touched when I read this article and so happy to see that people's acts of kindness were spreading fast. So for my good deed/ act of kindness I'm going to continue to spread this story in hopes it will inspire others and also donate to the foundation. I hope it inspires you the way it did me.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Sweet Pick Me Up
Tonight I'm getting to catch up for a bit with my friend Christine. She's so sweet and one of many friends whose husband travels a lot or works long odd hours. I always feel so lucky that for the most part my husbands job affords him to work normal hours so he's able to be home with us frequently. Many of my friends don't have this luxury and take on the kids by themselves most days and nights. I have seen and heard from them how hard this is and also what a sanity zapper it can be. Well this week Christine has been flying solo with her girls while her husband was out of town and she mentioned the she was "counting down the hours till his flight came in." lol. So along with some time out this evening I thought she could use a little pick me up of the sweet variety. So I'm giving her my free cupcake voucher and this cute little halloween mug from Starbucks. If my fabulous company tonight isn't enough, perhaps a ginormous cupcake will do the trick!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Fun In The Classroom
Today is national Reading In Schools Day and I got to go and read a couple of books to my daughters class. It was such a great experience and the kids were so fun and attentive. But my good deed today was sticking around for a bit and helping out my daughters teacher in the classroom for a while. I loved interacting with the kiddos and helping them with their work. Even with two kids of my own I sometimes forget how inquisitive and full of life kids can be. It was kind of refreshing and caused me to look at things through their eyes, which I thought was great. Today was another win-win. I was able to lend a hand to the teacher and class and I also got to have such a fun morning. There are still hours left in the day so find some kiddos and read to them!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Mammogram Momma...
Earlier today I was talking to my mom on the phone and she was telling me about how much (insert sarcasm here) "fun" she had this morning getting a mammogram. I've heard horror stories from several women about getting them and don't look forward to when they become a routine part of my own check ups. Even though they don't sound that great I'm really glad we have the technology and the ability to do this procedure. Mammograms are still the best early detection when it comes to breast cancer, a cancer that one in eight women will develop in their lifetime. Scary huh.... I can think of four or five women that I personally know that have or have had breast cancer. Well after talking to my mom I got to thinking about mammograms and breast cancer and came across The Breast Cancer Site. This site is a part of the greater good websites and by clicking on the big pink button on the home page you donate mammograms to women who need them and can't afford them. Another great cause that you can help simply by clicking your mouse. So while you're sitting there on your computer reading this... perhaps in your underware, lol... click on the link above and help give a mammogram!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
A Little Pup Pick-Me-Up
In yesterday's entry I mentioned that we walk my daughter to and from school each day. When I go to pick her up, there is another parent who also walks and usually brings their new lab "woody" with them. Woody is such a sweet little guy and great with all the kids. As the kids get let out of school, they rush over to pet and play with him and he has the best temperament I've even seen from a dog his age. He lets the kids pull and poke him, pick him up and chase him without even a whimper or a bark. Even before the kids get out, he sits very quietly with his owner and doesn't bother anyone. I thought for how great he is, he deserved a little something special. So for my good deed/act of kindness today, I took him a few treats when I went to pick up my daughter. He was so happy and just began bouncing around. His owner was very kind as well and thanked me several times for thinking of them. Woody helps make the kids afternoons better, so I thought I'd try to make his a little better too.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Strolling For Trash
We are lucky to live close enough to my daughter's school that we can walk her instead of drive. It's something that the whole family has grown to enjoy over these past few weeks. But what has really begun to bother me is the amount of trash that I see on our walks to the school and back. We live less than half a mile away and it's sad the amount of litter we see. After this morning I couldn't look at it any longer. So for my good deed/act of kindness today I picked up all the litter and trash I could on the walk to get my daughter from school. I know I had picked up garbage off the highway earlier this year as one of my good deeds, but I felt this needed to be done again, especially since no one else was doing it. While I picked up trash I noticed several people in their cars watching me as they drove by. Since I wasn't in an orange jumpsuit, I'm assuming they were wondering why I was out there picking up litter. I hope some of them will follow along and pick up any trash they see as well to keep our community beautiful. Or better yet, not throw their trash out in the first place.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Gift Registry Surprise
Today's good deed/act of kindness was inspired by my sister-in-law Jessica. She had suggested that I go online and look up random wedding or baby registries and pick one at random and purchase an item from it. So that's just what I did. First I had to find one that had the option to ship the item directly to the recipients instead of having it shipped here and then find one where it would get there before the wedding or arrival date. This was such a fun one and I wish I could be there to see the lucky couples face when their registry item arrives from a complete stranger. So congrats to Brian and Regina of Long Beach, California... I hope you have a long and happy marriage and enjoy your pillows!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Free Sample Free Sample
Today my daughter and I ran to store to get some last minute items to make some snacks for a little football viewing. We of course went to Publix since that is my store of choice and we also like to catch them when they are handing out free samples of new meals and recipes they are currently featuring. Today just happened to be one of those days. My daughter looked over the goodies in the bakery and I kept eyeing the free sample kiosk where today they were giving out plates of spinach risotto. I was super excited to try it because I've always wondered if it's something I'd like. I made my way over and waited patiently to try some. I also heard and saw a few others coming up behind me sounding exciting about trying the risotto. When we got up to the front of the line there was only one serving left. I turned to the other people and their faces kinda fell a bit as they saw that there wasn't enough. As much as I wanted to try it, I decided to leave it for the next people. It looked and smelled great and I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed but I thought "why not be nice and let someone else have it?" I think they would enjoy it more than me anyway. I don't know that my daughter was happy with my decision but the people behind us were.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Cheers To Baby Savannah
My good friend Dawn is ready to welcome her newest addition baby Savannah any day now. So tonight me and a few other ladies came together and gave her and baby a shower. Doing fun and helpful things for other moms like showers are always fun acts of kindness. They are great because not only do you get to help them prepare for a new baby but you get to eat some great food and fellowship as well and that's exactly what we did tonight. We had a great time and I think Dawn enjoyed the evening as well. Baby Savannah is gonna be one well dressed baby.
Friday, September 13, 2013
What A Mess
Today while shopping for some baby items for a friend, I came across the mess shown here. The picture doesn't do it justice, there were clothes on the floor, opened packages everywhere, a random car seat from another aisle and what was left hanging up was all in the wrong place. My friend Erin can attest to the mess since I ran into her while shopping. This mess of an aisle made it really hard to find the things on the registry. But sadly at this establishment this is the norm most of the time. You can go into any of their aisles and find this kind of mess. It's a sad combination of shoppers not caring about the mess they make and employees not caring enough to clean anything up. So I decided that for my good deed today would try and clean things up and get things sorted out in that section so that hopefully the people coming behind me could find what they were looking for. It only took about ten minutes to get everything back in it's place and I wanted to point that out to an employee but I decided maybe today wasn't the best day for that. Besides, the point of the good deeds and acts of kindness is to do something nice and not ask questions or point fingers so that's just what I did.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Hot Date
Tonight I had a hot date with the cutie pictured here. My son and I went out to dinner at Chic-Fil-A just the two of us to a have a little quality mother-son time. They were hosting a special dinner for moms and sons and they did it up pretty nice with table cloths, waiters and make your own ice cream sundaes to end the meal. I've done many special things with and for my daughter and thought this would something special for him. I'm also counting this as my good deed today because despite my best intentions on making this a fun night he really was not on his best behavior actually pretty embarrassing behavior but I let it go and let him enjoy himself. I love my little guy and cherish the time I get with him. I hope he will at least one day feel the same way.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Remembering Our Heros On 9/11
Today marks the 12 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and here in the U.S. it's a day of remembrance and memorial. So many people lost their lives that day and many of them knowingly did so. I'm referring to all the policemen, firemen and other service men and women who put their lives on the line to help and rescue others during the attacks and knew that by doing so there was a good chance they wouldn't survive themselves. Many risk their lives to protect us everyday when they go to work, not just when huge disasters like 9/11 occur. But days like today we're much more aware of the great sacrifices they make. With all this in mind, today I baked several dozens of cookies to deliver to our local policemen and firemen. I wanted to show my appreciation for what they do and I also included a note of thanks to let them know we care. The police station was pleasantly surprised when we showed up but there was something going on when we got there so we left them with the clerk at the front. She assured me they'd go quick and thanked us for thinking of them. Then when we delivered to the firehouse, my son got a real treat. They welcomed us in, showed us around and then took us out to show him the truck. He got to sit inside it, try out some gear and they even gave him his own fireman's hat. Here he is with one of Murfreesboro's bravest!
They were so welcoming to me and my son and very appreciative for the cookies, they must have thanked us six or seven times before we left. I'm really happy we got to do a little something for those who keep us safe everyday. I hope they know just how grateful we are for them.
They were so welcoming to me and my son and very appreciative for the cookies, they must have thanked us six or seven times before we left. I'm really happy we got to do a little something for those who keep us safe everyday. I hope they know just how grateful we are for them.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Ways To Amaze
I've mentioned before that since starting this good deeds journey this year, I've come into contact with some other great people doing similar things and on a similar journey. It was through one of those people that I found out about Ways To Amaze. Ways to Amaze is an awesome program that promotes good deeds and acts of kindness by donating to charities for each act that people log on and share. Each week they designate a new charity and because they have grown so big and gotten so much positive feed back they have also be able to get sponsors to help them give back big to the designated charities. So for my good deed today I went to their website and shared stories from this year so far to help the designated charity. This week's charity is Dress for Success. This organization helps outfit women in professional attire who are out of work and looking for employment, because appearance can be a huge part of securing a job. They also offer help with preparing for interviews. They do all this free of charge.
I'm really glad that Ways to Amaze was brought to my attention. I get really happy and excited to know that there are such great groups and individuals out their working to help so many.
I'm really glad that Ways to Amaze was brought to my attention. I get really happy and excited to know that there are such great groups and individuals out their working to help so many.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Healing Treats
My girlfriend Erin has a daughter that is the same age as mine and also started Kindergarten this year. Two or three days into the school year her daughter came home sick and has been sick off and on ever since. I've felt so bad for Erin and her daughter and now her youngest is sick again as well. They are getting their fair share of illnesses early this year so I'm hoping for their sake that maybe that means they will be well for the rest of the year... fingers crossed! As a mom I know how I hate to see my kids sick and not feeling well and all I want to do is make them feel better or at least cheer them up. Well since I can't heal Erin's kids, I thought I could at least give cheering them up a shot. So for my good deed/act of kindness I went and dropped off some treats for her kiddos in hopes that it would make them maybe at least temporarily feel better. I just dropped them in her mailbox so I wouldn't disturb them and she later sent me a text with a pic of the kids and the lollipops. That just made my day and it looked like I may have brightened theirs as well.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Pizza Pizza
I know this past Thursday was the official start of the pro football season, but it didn't really feel like it until today when the rest of the games got underway. Football got me thinking about what people do when they watch their teams and the answer is of course that they eat. And what do they eat? The first thing that came to mind was grabbing or ordering a pizza. With this in mind I headed over to the local Little Ceasars where you can walk in and walk out with a hot pizza in a matter of minutes for pretty cheap. I payed for a pepperoni pizza and asked them to give it to the next person who walked in to pick one up. The girl at the counter seemed a little confused at first as to what I was asking her to do, but when I explained she smiled and said "sure, no problem" Game day just got a lot better for some lucky person out there.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Just A Click
Today was a crazy busy day here in the Naron household but I stand by my belief that no matter how busy or full your days are, there is always time for an act of kindness or good deed. Some are so easy and literally take only seconds of your life. And with that thought in mind, even though we were on the go all day I still found a minute to sit down and do something for someone else. For today's good deed I went to a website called The Hunger Site. Once you visit the website you click on the large yellow button and for each click, funds are donated by advertisers and by an organization called The Greater Good who they are partnered with to help fund relief for hunger and poverty all over the world. I read over their policies and procedures and this really is legit, it really is this easy to help send money and food to those that are hungry. If you are reading this and have a second then please visit the link and click to help end poverty and hunger.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Not What I Was Planning...
Today's good deed/act of kindness was not what I was expecting and I didn't even do it on purpose, so some may argue that it really doesn't count. But someone benefited from it and their day was made a little better so I'm counting it, lol. Earlier today I ran into the grocery store to buy something real quick so that I could go through the U-Scan and get some cash back. I had my son with me and for whatever reason I decided to take him in without the stroller. He was running all over the place of course and when we went to check out I payed for my stuff and entered that I wanted ten dollars cash back. I then turned around to grab my son as he was about to knock over a candy display and snatched him up right in time. When I turned back around to the U-Scan I grabbed my bag, receipt, purse and hurried out of there before PJ got into something else. But you know what I didn't grab... my ten dollars. I didn't even realize it until we were already home and I had laid my son down for a nap. At first I was so mad, but then I thought maybe it was supposed to happen that way. Maybe the next person who came across the money was someone who really needed it and was able to put it toward their grocery purchase. Even if it wasn't someone who was in need who found the money I'm sure it was a nice surprise and who knows... maybe they'll use the money to do something nice for someone else.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Ronald McDonald House
Okay, let me first say that this picture isn't even the entire donation that I am taking today, it's just what I could fit in the picture. Today's post is another one done in advance because I'm not dropping all these supplies off until late today. I am really excited about this one. Several friends and family members helped contribute to this awesome haul for the Ronald McDonald house and I am really proud to be a part of it. In case you didn't already know, RMH is an organization that houses families when they have someone in the hospital that is going to require a long stay and they live far away. They also do this free of charge for many who can't afford a place to stay. My husband and I were fortunate enough to be able to stay in a Ronald McDonald House when our daughter was born at 26 weeks and we lived over an hour away from the hospital equipped to take care of such a small preemie. This organization means so much to us and we like to help out whenever we can. As a matter of fact, today's act of kindness/good deed is just part one of a two parter. The next part will come the middle of next month. Thank you all so much who helped me with this, I can't wait to deliver it. Now I'm off to try and figure out how to fit all this in our car!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Moving Crew
Today some of my favorite cousins are moving out of state. I'm sad because they are always so much fun, have helped my husband and I a lot over the last couple of years and because their just great people. Several family members were helping load the moving truck today and since I had both of my kids I couldn't really be there to help much, but I knew there was something I could do. I figured everyone would be working up a big appetite packing up the house, so for my good deed/act of kindness today I went and got lunch for everyone. The kids and I got subs, chips and drinks to feed the crew and they were very grateful. I had hoped I would actually be able to help more with the move but I think providing lunch was much appreciated.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Sweet Treats
After a great holiday weekend we have an abundance of treats in our house and there is just no way we can eat it all. So I decided to make up little treat bags to give out while I was running errands today.First I dropped off a bag of cookies and brownies with my favorite barista at Starbucks. She was so surprised and thanked me for the yummy bag. I go there enough that they know me by my order and everyone is so friendly. Then I had some business to take care of at the bank so I left some treats for the tellers. They were also very thankful and I always appreciate how friendly they are every time I visit my branch. Everyone loves treats and when they are a surprise then they are that much better. I hope these surprises made their work days better.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Have A Seat
My husband and I decided that today we would try and take advantage of the labor day sales and find him some new suit pants, jacket, dress clothes etc... So we gathered up the kids and headed out to find some deals. As my husband headed to the dressing room with an arm full of items to try on, the kids and I camped out in the couple of chairs in the waiting area. Others trying on clothes headed in and out and some men had their wives with them as well. One man that was trying on a suit and his wife were a bit older and she tried to wait patiently as he went through several garments. I would guess she was probably around 70 and she was having a hard time standing, so I got up and told her to take my seat. She first waved me off and said she was just fine, but I could tell she was struggling a bit. So I insisted, and told her that I really didn't mind and that I'd really like her to have my seat. She smiled and finally took my seat. She thanked me as she sat down and smiled at the kids. For the next few minutes the kiddos also provided her with entertainment as they continued to act and play silly. She laughed and thanked me again for being so kind. I'm glad she finally took my seat because her husband was still in there as we got ready to go and it looked like she was going to be there a while. Always glad to help out when I can.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
More Wedding Fun
Sorry this post is a little late getting posted, but tonight's festivities went into the wee hours. This labor day weekend has been all about weddings so far, first with me helping one of my best friend's find her wedding dress and today being the actual wedding of my cousin Cassie. Today was also another day of several small good deeds in lieu of one big one. Today's wedding, brunch and reception was beautiful and I was happy to be able to be there. At the brunch, one person from each table had to hula hoop to see which table got to go through the food line first. I volunteered for our table and didn't do so bad... we got to eat third :) While hula hooping may not seem like a good deed, no one else from our table was stepping up and we were all hungry. Then at the reception later this evening, my husband and I got a pretty good spot in the buffet line and when my 80+ year old grandparents made their way over, the line was ridiculously long. So we let them go in front of us so they didn't have to stand and wait so long. Also before things got too crazy at the reception, I helped some with another cousins small baby. Holding, rocking, and walking him around so she could eat and participate with the other bridesmaids. I'm sure there may have been a few other small things. but my mind isn't exactly firing on all cylinders right now. Another great day and with a few acts of kindness thrown in to make it all that much better.
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