Tuesday, September 24, 2013

REALLY Serving

   Today is Tuesday and part of my routine on Tuesdays is preparing and serving breakfast at the Journey Home. This service has actually come about because of 365 days and I have really come to enjoy this and it's something I look forward to despite it's VERY early hours. What this usually entails is fixing items like eggs, biscuits, hashbrowns and pastries and then setting them up on a buffet for people to self serve. Also making sure there is enough coffee, juice and cereal to go around. Well recently The Journey Home has gotten a new food director and he is very much encouraging us all to get to know the clients better and actually "serve" them. By serve he means simple things like helping the disabled get their food, checking on everyone more frequently, and actually giving them some of our time by getting to know them and having conversations. While I have done this sometimes, I have been guilty of focusing solely on the meal instead of the people. So today I decided to change that... Instead of just putting items on the buffet, I actually went around table to table offering up items so they wouldn't have to get up and engaging more with people and learning their stories. They seemed to appreciate it more as well. Most have always been very appreciative and thankful but today you could just see it on their face. When I took a moment to ask how they were or what was going on with them they liked that someone was taking an interest.
  I love the new direction the new food director is taking The Journey Home and I'm glad I get to be a part of it.

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